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News Current location:HomeNews—Fire fighting measures of Triethyl phosphite
Fire fighting measures of Triethyl phosphite

  Hazard characteristics: Its vapor and air can form an explosive mixture, which can cause combustion and explosion when exposed to open flames and high heat. React with oxidants. Thermal decomposition produces highly toxic phosphorus oxide smoke. If encountering high heat, the pressure inside the container increases, posing a risk of cracking and explosion.
  Harmful combustion products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, phosphorus oxide, and phosphane.
  Extinguishing method: firefighters must wear Gas mask and full body fire-fighting clothes to extinguish the fire upwind. Move the container from the fire site to an open area as much as possible. Spray water to keep the fire container cool until the fire is extinguished. If the container in the fire has discolored or made a sound from the safety pressure relief device, it must be evacuated immediately.
  Extinguishing agent: fog water, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.

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